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Mountague County Youth Fair

Montague County Youth Fair

January 12-14, 2012

Nocona, Texas

Entries will be open December 1st - 15th

All Entries must be entered by December 15th @ midnight



Daily Schedule: (*) New date/time changes.

Thursday,   January 12

8:00 A.M.        -Weigh-in of all Market Lambs followed by Market Goats followed by

                              check-in of Breeding Sheep and Breeding Goats

                        -Check-in of Shop Projects

                        -Check-in of all Dairy Heifers                 

11:00 A.M.      –Lamb Show*

                        -Farm Shop Class judging (American Legion Hall)                     

12 noon          -Dairy Cattle Show                      

2:00 P.M.              -Goat Show*

5:00 P.M.        -Steer Weigh-in

                        -Heifer Check-in after steers weigh   

                        -Swine move into the barn*                                 


Friday,   January 13            

8:00 A.M.        -Market Swine Weigh-in and classify followed by Gilt check-in

                        -Poultry and Broilers Check-in*

9:00 A.M.        -Poultry and Broiler Show*

10:00 A.M.     -Rabbit Check-in*

11:00 A.M.      –Rabbit Show*

1:00 P.M.        -Beef Cattle Show


Saturday,   January 14

8:00 A.M.       -Swine Show

5:30 P.M.       -Clover Kids Parade

6:30 P.M.        -Premium Sale                                    


Ownership Deadlines and Validation Dates:

Goats and Sheep-4 p.m.-Oct. 25, 2011 -State & County Validation, MCYF Show Barn-Nocona

Swine -Nov. 12, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. @ Bowie Ag Farm & Nov. 22, 3:30-7 p.m. @ MCYF Show Barn in Nocona- State and County Validation Date

Steers - by June 30, 2011 - State Validation Date

Beef and Dairy Heifers - Ownership by November 1st of each year

Rabbits- 4 weeks prior to show

Poultry - 7 weeks prior to show

2012 Montague County Youth Fair Officers:

President: Don Hendon

V-President: ????

Secretary: Mickie Blount

Treasurer: Kenton Holloway

Board Members:


 Bowie - 76230

Bud Lane                                      Kenton Holloway                  Darren Gill                       

??????                                            5549 FM 1758                       963 Lama Rd.           

Bowie, Tx. 76230                     Bowie, Tx. 76230                  Bowie, Tx 76230         

                                                        867-4414                               872-3749                     


Bryan Roth                                   Gabe Spikes                  Scott Rogers

2616 Alamo Rd.                          269 Brazos St.              7093 St. Hwy. 59 S.

Bowie, TX.76230                                Bowie, Tx 76230         Bowie, TX

872-6064                                      872-5180                      872-4638


Goldburg - 76261

Don Hendon **           Timothy and BJ Rainey     Jason Reaves               Chad Gerlach       Chad Long

393 Chaparral Rd.      17610 N. Hwy. 81               ?????.                    

Bowie, TX.76230                Ringgold, TX 76261            ??????.

872-4395                      940-233-0386                     

 Forestburg - 76239

Audie Marie Hayes                  Doug Tillman                  Kevin McMillin           

1325 Muenster Rd.                  ?????                         ?????             

Forestburg, Tx.                        Forestburg, Tx.             Sunset, Tx.        

964-2383                                      964-2568                     


Eric Fletcher

PO Box 514

Greenwood, TX 76246



Montague - 76251

Steve Pickens**                      Brad Short

1601 N Johnson Loop             7375 Rock Springs School Rd.

Montague, Tx 76251               Nocona, Tx




                                                                                        Nocona - 76255

Pat Williams                 Terry Eischied**  Kyle LaMar          Jay Yeager           

307 Arkansas                13004 FM 1816          307 Croxton         104 Louise St

Nocona, Tx                    Nocona, Tx                  Nocona, TX          Nocona, Tx                                          

825-4179                       825-4661                                                      825-6833


Perry Jennings

1371 P.R. 379

Ringgold, Tx 76261





Prairie Valley - 76255

Jay Haralson**                   Gary Don King                    

11806 FM 1956                   7912 FM 1956                    

Nocona, Tx                           Nocona, Tx                          

825-6254                              987-3271                             


Saint Jo - 76265

Eric Dennis**                                      

170 Rock Bluff Rd.                                           

Saint Jo, Tx                                          



Ag Teachers:


Mickie Blount                           Dennis McBroom**        Monty Moeller                                   Bryan Chisholm

468 Prater                                  Box 281                              800 N. Mill St                                    800 N. Mill St.

Bowie, Texas 76230               Nocona, Tx. 76255          Bowie, Tx 76230                                Bowie, Tx 76230

872-3562                                 825-4425                         689-2808                                 689-2809


Kristi Tillman                             Mike Shipman                   Steve Seeds                                        Jay Womack

Box 415                                                     220 Clay                            Drawer L                                              220 Clay

Forestburg, Tx 76239              Nocona, Tx. 76255             Saint Jo, Tx. 76230                        Nocona, Tx. 76255

964-2323                                  825-3264                            995-2532                                             825-3264                             


** Executive Committee (Dennis McBroom, Eric Dennis, Jay Haralson, Terry Eischied, Steve Pickens, , Don Hendon,)

County Extension Agents:                              


Justin Hansard                     Elsie Lacy                                            

PO Box 136                          PO Box 136

Montague, Tx 76251          Montague, Tx 76251         

894-2831                              894-2831


List of Superintendents

Swine – Pat Williams             

Beef – Scott Rogers               

Goats - Gabe Spikes                          

Sheep - Don Hendon

Dairy - Kenton Holloway                 

Rabbits – Jonathan Brown

Poultry – Matt Brown 

Shop- Pat Williams


Validation Chairman and committeemen:

Mickie Blount, AST

Dennis McBroom, AST

Monty Moeller, AST

Bryan Chisholm, AST

Jay Womack, AST

Steve Seeds, AST

Mike Shipman, AST

Kristi Tillman, AST

Justin Hansard, CEA






1.      All animals must meet Texas Animal Health Commission regulations. The student must be in good eligibility standing in their school district. If not in good standing with school district due to conduct and/or grades then they become ineligible to participate and for the premium sale and/or pledges.

2.      All entries must be a bonafide project of an FFA or 4-H member in Montague County, and must not participate in any other County show.

3.      Only one project may be shown in each class or in each market division by a student.  An animal may be shown in only one class.

4.  A MAXIMUM of two projects can be sold per exhibitor.

5.  Fifty percent (50%) of all market animal classes will be in premium sale. All Grand and Reserve breeding animals in beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, swine, meat goats, and dairy goats will sell, if eligible according to general rule #4. The Champion and Reserve Junior and Senior shop project will sell, if eligible according to general rule #4.

6.  Fifty percent (50%) will round to the nearest whole number.

7.  All market animals must remain after weigh-in, and/or until after the show or they will be disqualified. Any changes will be left up to the discretion of the superintendent.

8.      Any Civic club, organization groups, or individual may donate any special prizes, trophies, etc. to any division.

9.      All Steers, Market Swine, Goats, and Lambs must be validated to be eligible to show in the Montague County Youth Fair.

10.     All Swine Validation tag numbers and/or ear notches will be matched to original student name at weigh-in and must match exactly.

11.     Showmanship for animal and show projects age is: Senior Division - 14 and over, Junior Division - 13 and under as of January 1.

12.     Showmanship participants must show their own animals that are entered in the county show.

13.     Division Superintendents may add, delete or modify classes at their discretion to accommodate show.

14.     Breeding classes must be present at least one hour prior to the beginning of their division judging and the sale.

15.     A protest of any kind requires a $25.00 cash deposit, refundable if protest is upheld.  All protest must be filed within one hour of the conclusion of a judged class or one hour or more prior to judging - which ever is applicable.

16.     Animal age will be determined as of January 1.

17.     Animals determined to be “out of control” may be disqualified at the discretion of the superintendents.

18.   Only one (1) trim chute per school district inside the barn.

19.     If any exhibitor is found in violation of any Montague County Youth Fair rule, he/she may be subject to forfeiting all prizes and monies received and are ineligible to show in the following year’s Montague County Youth Fair.

20.     No “bump” up in sale order is allowed when animals are pulled out of the sale.

21.     All eligible Home Economic projects will sell throughout the sale order.

22. All division Grand and Reserve Grand in the Beef Cattle and Dairy Cattle division along with all Grand and Reserve Breed Champions in Sheep, Goats, and Swine are eligible for the Sale.


Entry Fee $10/head


Superintendents:  Gabe Spikes, Asst. Don Hendon


Judge:    Jimmy Key


1. Doe’s will be classified Junior if never fresh and under two years old. 

2. Senior Doe’s will be over two years old or fresh at least once. 

3. All Doe’s will be toothed to determine age.

4. No horns allowed on Dairy goats.  Two (2) inches re-growth or less is acceptable. Longer horns will not be allowed to show on Dairy goats.


Category: Breeding Goats

          Division:     Dairy

                        1 - Dairy - Junior Doe’s

                        2 - Dairy - Senior Doe’s

          Division:     Meat

                        1 - Meat- Junior Doe’s

                        2 - Meat - Senior Doe’s


Category: Market Meat Goats


          1.       All market meat goats show together.

          2.      Meat goats must have horns tipped.

          3.      Goats horns may not be tipped at show.

          4.      Milk Teeth required at validation.

          5.      Market goats must be weathers or doe’s (which have never been fresh).

          6.      Market goat classes will be determined at weigh-in.

Note: See General Rules & Schedule for more information.



Entry Fee $10/head


Superintendent: Don Hendon, Asst. Gabe Spikes


Judge:    Jimmy Key     


1.  Market Lambs must be slick shorn 10-15 days prior to show.

2.  Minimum Market Lamb Weights to show - Southdown – 70 pounds.  All others

     80 pounds.

3. Classes will be broken evenly by superintendent.


Category: Breeding Ewes

          Division: Southdown                  

              1.      Southdown Ewes less than 1 year old

              2.      Southdown Ewes more than 1 year old


          Division: Fine Wool

              1.      Fine Wool Ewes less than 1 year old

              2.      Fine Wool Ewes more than 1 year old


          Division: Fine Wool Cross

              1.      Fine Wool Cross Ewes less than 1 year old

              2.      Fine Wool Cross ewes more than 1 year old


          Division: Medium Wool

              1.      Medium Wool Ewes less than 1 than year old

              2.      Medium Wool Ewes more than 1 year old



Category: Market Lambs

          Division:     Southdown


          Division:     Fine Wool


          Division:     Fine Wool Cross


          Division:     Medium Wool


Note: See General Rules and Schedule for more information.


Entry Fee $10/head



Superintendents: Matt Brown


Judge:    Monty Fitzgerald


8:00 A.M. - Check In Friday


Category: Breeding Poultry

          Division:     Breed Hens

                   1.  Small Breed Hens

                   2.  Large Breed Hens


          Division:     Breed Roosters      (*Roosters will not be eligible for the sale)

                   1.  Small Breed Roosters 

                   2.  Large Breed Roosters


          Division:     Market Poultry (Broilers)

              1.      Broilers (Pen of 3) - Hatched no more than 7 weeks prior to show.


                Note: See General Rules and Schedule for more information.


Entry Fee $15/head



Superintendents:  Kenton Holloway


Judge:    Elwin Ligitt


          Division: Heifers (As of January 1)                     

                             1.  (4-8 months)

                             2.  (9-13 months)

                             3.  (14-18 months)

                             4.  (19-27 months)



Note: See General Rules and Schedule for more information.


Entry Fee $15/head



Superintendent:  Tony Vann


Judge:    Jerry McPeak


1. Females will be shown as English, Brahman Influence, Exotic, or Longhorn will

     show. Classes may be combined. Three head constitute a breed.

2. Champion and Reserve Champion English, Brahman Influence, Exotic, and

    Longhorns will show for over all Grand and Reserve Champion and will be

    added to the sale.

3. Steers must be validated at State Validation by the end of June each year, prior to show.

4. This is a Blow and Show (Steers and Heifers) only format, with no adhesives or paint to be used.

5. Heifers must have registration papers in the youth’s name by November 1st and present those papers to the superintendent at check-in to show in their perspective breed. If they are not registered then they will be placed in AOB or ABC according to superintendents classifying.


Category: Beef Heifer


Division: English (Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Shorthorn)

              Class #

                             1.  Heifers 6 months and younger

                             2.  Heifers 7-10 months of age 

                             3.  Heifers 11-14 months of age

                             4.  Heifers 15-18 months of age

                             5.  Heifers 19-22 months of age

                             6.  Heifers 23-27 months of age



Division: Brahman Influence (Brahman, Beefmaster, Brangus, Simbrah, Santa Gertrudis, or breeds showing 50% Brahman influence)

              Class #

                             1.  Heifers 6 months and younger

                             2.  Heifers 7-10 months of age 

                             3.  Heifers 11-14 months of age

                             4.  Heifers 15-18 months of age

                             5.  Heifers 19-22 months of age

                             6.  Heifers 23-27 months of age




Beef Cattle


Division: Exotic (Charolais, Chianina, Limousin, Maine Anjou, Simmental, AOB or OPB)

              Class #

                             1.  Heifers 6 months and younger

                             2.  Heifers 7-10 months of age 

                             3.  Heifers 11-14 months of age

                             4.  Heifers 15-18 months of age

                             5.  Heifers 19-22 months of age

                             6.  Heifers 23-27 months of age



          Division: Longhorn

              Class #

                             1.  Heifers 6 months and younger

                             2.  Heifers 7-10 months of age 

                             3.  Heifers 11-14 months of age

                             4.  Heifers 15-18 months of age

                             5.  Heifers 19-22 months of age

                             6.  Heifers 23-27 months of age




Category: Market Steers

          Division: Steer show

                             1.  Weight classes will be split at discretion of superintendent as fairly as possible.

                             2.  No weight limit.





              NOTE: See General Rules & Schedule for more information.



Entry Fee $10/head



Superintendent: Paul Ray Baird, Assistant Pat Williams


Judge:    Raymond Rice


Category: Market Swine

     1. Market swine weight limits are 125 pounds to 270 pounds. Classes will be broken evenly by superintendent.

2. Barrows and gilts may show in market swine classes. Gilts can only be shown once in either breeding or market, but not both.

     3. Classes will be determined by total entries per class. Breeds with less than ten (10) entries may be combined with another breed.

4. All market swine will be classified during weigh-in by an unbiased, third party, classifier.

5. Exhibitor will state the breed when they weigh-in and may be classified into the correct breed by classifier.




A swine classification standard is listed at the end of the rules, but are not rules themselves pertaining to the classification of swine for the county show, as those classifications will be determined by the classifier and will not be contested.


Category: Breeding Gilts

  1. Breeding gilts will not be weighed.
  2. Breeding gilts will be shown by breed and age.
  3. No gilt shall be older than July of the previous year prior to the county show.


Division: Dark OPB (Other Purebred) -Berkshire, Poland China, Spotted Swine, and Hereford

              CLASS #

                        1.     Black OPB Female - Born August and September

               2.     Black OPB Female - Born July 1- July 31

Division: Duroc

              CLASS #

                        1.    Duroc Female - Born August and September

                        2.    Duroc Female - Born July 1 - July 31




          Division: Hampshire

              CLASS #

                        1.    Hampshire Female - Born August and September

                        2.    Hampshire Female - Born July 1- July 31



          Division: White OPB (Other Purebred) -Chester White, Landrace, York

              CLASS #

                        1.     White OPB Female - Born August and September

                        2.     White OPB Female - Born July 1- July 31



          Division: Crossbred -any swine that is not a classified breed

              CLASS #

                        1.     Crossbred Female - Born August and September

                        2.     Crossbred Female - Born July 1- July 31



Category: Market Swine

          CLASS #

                   1.  Dark OPB (Berkshire, Poland China, Spotted Swine, and Hereford)

                   2.  Duroc

                   3.  Hampshire

                   4.  White OPB (Chester White, Landrace, York)          

                   5.  Cross


                        NOTE: See General Rules & Schedule for more information.




Entry Fee $10/head



Superintendent: John Griffin


Judge:    Justin Nash


Category: Market Rabbits

          1. Must furnish your own pens, cages, etc.

          2. Market Pen of three (3) will show.

3. Market Rabbits must be not be more than twelve (12) weeks old at time of show.

          4. There is no weight limit on market rabbits.


Category: Breeding Rabbits

          1. Must furnish your own pens, cages, etc.

          2. Breeding bucks will not be eligible for the sale.


Division: Bucks    *Bucks are not eligible for sale.

              CLASS #

                             1.  Large Breed Bucks

                             2.  Small Breed Bucks


Division: Does     *Overall Grand and Reserve doe is eligible for sale.

              CLASS #

                             1.  Large Breed Doe

                             2.  Small Breed Doe


                        NOTE: See General Rules & Schedule for more information.



Entry Fee $10/project



Superintendent:  Pat Williams, Dennis McBroom


Judge:    Warren Mayer


1.  Shop projects will be judged with student present beginning at 11:00 A.M.

2.  Project must be built in the current calendar year. No projects over one (1) year of age.

3. All first place Small shop projects, in Junior and Senior, will show for Grand and Reserve Champion in each age division.

4. All first place Large shop projects, in Junior and Senior, will show for Grand and Reserve Champion in each age division.

5. All Grand and Reserves will show for Overall Grand and Overall Reserve Champion in each age bracket, Junior and Senior. Both Overall Grand and Reserve will sell in each age bracket, Junior and Senior.

Category: Small Shop (Must not measure more than 36 inches in height, width or depth.)(Hand/Shop made, Kits/prefab assembly)


              1. Leather work, (tack, boots, wallets, binders, etc.)

              2. Small wood work, (crafts, bird houses, small clocks, art designs, etc.)

              3. Small metal work (crafts, bits, spurs, buckles, wall art, art designs, etc.)

4. Small metal furniture (hat racks, plant stands, lamps, small shelves, small chests, small chairs, small tables)

              5. Small wood furniture (lamps, small shelves, small chests, small chairs, small tables)

              6. Small metal Ag/farm equipment (small livestock feeders, small troughs, small gates, lamb stands)

              7. Small metal wildlife equipment (feeders, targets, live traps, shooting benches)

              8. Small wood Ag/farm equipment (small livestock feeders, small troughs, gates).)

              9. Small wood wildlife equipment (feeders, targets, live traps, shooting benches)

              10. Small Mixed Media. (Projects with a large combination of wood, metal, tile and other construction media.)

              11. Small truck accessories. (Receiver hitches, receiver hitch mounted accessories, tools, lifts, winches.) 


Category: Large Shop (Must measure over 36 inches in at least one of the following, height, width or depth.)(Hand/Shop made, Kits/prefab assembly)


  1. Leather Work (Saddles)
  2. Metal furniture (large tables, benches, swings, chairs, picnic tables)

              3. Wood furniture (large tables, benches, swings, chairs, picnic tables, chests, grand father clocks)

              4. Large wood Ag/farm equipment (large gates, large troughs, storage/livestock buildings, livestock feeders, etc.)

              5. Large metal Ag/farm equipment (gates, chutes, panels, hay spikes, livestock feeders, plows, storage/livestock buildings, etc.)

6. Large Wood wildlife equipment (ground blinds, stands, shooting benches, feeders, etc.)

              7. Large metal wildlife equipment (tree stands, stands, live traps, shooting benches, feeders, etc.)

                8. Large Mixed Media. (Projects with a large combination of wood, metal, tile and other construction media.)

              9. Trailers

                        A) Utility trailers, single bale buggies- less than 10 feet long

                        B) Utility trailers, multiple bale trailers more than 10 feet long

              10. Cookers

                        A) Backyard BBQ cookers (stationary, grills, fire pits, fajita cookers, etc.)

                        B) Trailer mounted cookers (portable)

              11. Truck Accessories

                        A) Bumpers, grill guards, hitches, headache racks, roll bars, etc.

                         B) Truck beds.


                   NOTE: See General Rules & Schedule for more information.


*Montague County 4-H and FFA Restoration Contest

Entry Fee $20/project

Awards: 1st Place- $150

                                                          2nd Place- $100


1).  Any Montague County 4-H Club or FFA Chapter will be able to enter as many teams as possible.


2).  Students must follow “No Pass-No Play” guidelines.


3).  This competition will be judged during the Shop Division of the MCYF.


4).   The restoration process should by overseen by the 4-H Leader or by the Ag Teacher to verify originality and that the students entering the competition are the only persons working on the restoration project.


5).   Students must be present at the time of judging to answer questions and a portfolio of pictures and/or information on the restoration should be available for viewing.


6).   The restoration project may be presented only once at the MCYF.


7).   Examples of restoration projects are:




          -Farm Equipment





8).   Restoration projects and the teams are not eligible for the MCYF premium sale.









1. Black and white with erect ears exhibiting Berkshire character.

2. A Berkshire must have white on all four legs, face and tail (unless tail is docked). One of the white leg points may also be missing.

3. Must be ear notched within seven days of birth.

4. A Berkshire must NOT have a solid white or a solid black face from ears forward.

5. A Berkshire must NOT have a solid black nose (rim of nose).

6. White is allowed on the ears, but NO solid white may appear on the ears.

7. Occasional splash of white may appear on the body.



1. Must possess Chester White Breed characteristics.

2. Must be ear notched within seven days of birth.

3. Must be solid white in color, no color on the skin larger than a silver dollar, no colored hair.

4. Any skin pigmentation other than white that exceeds five in number will be disqualified.

5. Ears must be down and medium size.

6. Any signs of weighted ear tags or evidence of past existence of such ear tags are

    determined to be not permissible and are grounds for disqualification.



1. Must be red in color and possess Duroc Breed character. (ear’s must be down and medium size.

2. Must be ear notched within seven days of birth.

3. Must NOT have any white hair located on the animal.

4. Must NOT have any black hair.

5. Must NOT have more than three black spots on the skin and none of these spots can be larger than two inches in diameter.

6. Must NOT have any shading or indication of a belt.



1. Must be black in color with a white belt starting on the front leg. The belt may partially or totally encircle the body.

2. Must possess Hampshire Breed character. (ear’s must be erect and not rounded)

3. Must be ear notched within seven days of birth.

4. Must NOT have any white hair or indications of streaking on the forehead.

5. Must NOT have any red hair.





1. Must be white in color and possess Landrace Breed character. (ear’s must be down)

2. Must be ear notched within seven days of birth.

3. Must NOT allow any color hair other than white.

4. Must NOT allow more than three spots of skin pigmentation.

5. Must NOT allow any spot of skin pigmentation larger than one U.S. minted quarter.



1. Must possess Poland China Breed characteristics.

2. Must be ear notched within seven days of birth.

3. Must be black with six white points (face, feet and switch) Note* (tail docking is

    permissible) with an occasional splash of white on the body. A hog may NOT             possess more than one solid black leg and be determined as Poland China.

4. Must have ears down.

5. Must NOT have evidence of a belt formation.

6. Cannot have red or sandy hair and/or pigmentation.

7. Hogs that have weighted ear tags or evidence of tampering of ears with possible ear tags are ineligible.



1. Must be black and white.

2. Must possess Spotted Breed character.

3. Must be ear notched within seven days of birth.

4. Ears cannot be erect.

5. Any red tinted or brown spots are ineligible.

6. No solid black head from ears forward.

7. No distinct white belt pattern (hair or skin) encircling and extending down and onto each shoulder.

8. Any signs of weighted ear tags or evidence of passed existence of such tags are

determined NOT to be permissible and are grounds for disqualification.



1. Must be white in color and possess Yorkshire Breed character. (ears must be erect)

2. Must be ear notched within seven days of birth.

3. Must NOT have any colored hair other than white.

4. Must NOT have colored skin pigmentation larger than one U.S. minted silver dollar.

5. Must NOT have masking above the eyes larger than a silver dollar.



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