Forestburg FFA
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Quaility Counts

The Quality Counts goal is quality assurance and character education.  With showing livestock comes the responsibility and character in the feeding and daily care of their animals.   To show livestock through the Forestburg FFA or 4-H, it is mandatory that you take the Quality Counts Livestock Entry Test.  There will be deadlines for the your information to be submitted on the Calendar of Events.

Below is the information:

Verification Test Link:

Quality Counts Verification

How often must I be " verified"?

        Exhibitors only need to be verified once as a junior and once again as a senior. Junior is 8 and in the 3 rd grade through 13 years of age as of the previous August 31 st. Senior is 14 years or older as of the previous August 31 st.

How do I become verified?

        Pass the online test with 80% correct answers (8 out of 10)

How many times can I take the test?

        As many times as necessary to achieve an 80% score

What happens when I pass the test?

        You are given a Quality Counts verification number and the online system allows you to print a personalized certificate.

What do I do with the Quality Counts verification number?

        Hold on to the number and use it when asked for by stock shows as a part of entry requirement.

Can someone else use my number?

        No. The number is tied back to your name in the database available to stock shows, County Extension Agents and Ag Science Teachers. When the number is entered into the system, only your name appears.

What happens if I forget/lose my number?

        Take the test again and get another number. You can become verified as often as needed.

How do I learn the material needed to pass the test?

        All of the material is available online at and from there you can also access the online teaching system "Texas Trail". The online version will take 2 hours to complete and can be done at more than one sitting.

Do I need a separate verification number for 4-H and FFA?

        When you take the test, if you selected both FFA and 4-H as your affiliated organizations, one number is all that is needed. If you are not sure what you selected, take the test again and select both organizations. This will insure that both your Ag Science Teacher and Your County Extension Agent can see that you are verified.

Will all major shows require youth to be verified in order to compete?

        In 2012, most if not all major shows will require verification. Check the show premium book for individual show requirements.

Will Quality Counts Verification be needed for Breeding Entries?

        Yes. Quality Counts Verification will be needed for all Junior Livestock Show Entries at Major shows, including breeding animals.


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