Forestburg FFA
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Student Officer Expectations
Officer Expectations

I. Attendance at all FFA functions is mandatory unless permission is granted prior to the function by the advisors. 
    A. FFA Meetings 
        1. No FFA meetings may be missed unless approved by advisors for family emergency or other extenuating circumstances approved by advisors. 
        2. The consequence for missing a FFA meeting without approval results in a meeting with the advisors to discuss possible resignation of FFA office. 
    B. FFA Functions 
        1. No more than 2 FFA functions may be missed without the approval of Advisors prior to the absence. 
            a. The following are considered approved exceptions: stock shows, camps, family events, major tests, athletic games, funerals, and graduations. 
            b. The consequence for missing a function without prior approval is a meeting with advisors and officers to discuss possible resignation of FFA office.

II. All duties of office must be fulfilled. 
    A. Notification by the officer team and advisors for noncompliance of duties will occur. 
    B. The consequences for not fulfilling duties are as follows in order: 
        1. The first step is a meeting with officers and advisors to give encouragement. 
        2. The second step is written notification to the officer that is deemed to be not fulfilling officer duties and a reduction in officer duties. 
        3. The third step is a meeting with the advisors to discuss possible resignation.

III. Any violation of the FFA and Agriscience Department Code of Conduct established in the FFA Handbook could lead to officer removal.

IV. Talking negatively about the FFA, members, or advisors will not be tolerated. 
    A. The advisors will make the ultimate decision in determining whether what has been said talks negatively of the FFA, FFA members or advisors. 
    B. The consequences of talking negatively of the FFA are as follows: 
        1. The first step is a meeting with the officers and advisors to give encouragement to the respective officer. 
        2. The second step is written notification. 
        3. The third step is a meeting with the advisors to discuss possible resignation.

Student Officer Discipline

(a) The Forestburg FFA Chapter seeks to establish and maintain standards of officer conduct and supervisory practices which will promote effective operations of the Forestburg FFA and the agricultural education family and further the interests of the program and its affiliates. These practices include the administration of fair, consistent, and constructive officer discipline.
(b) A consistent officer discipline process will be used which includes, but is not limited to: 
            (1) Constructive efforts by the Chapter Advisor of his designee to help officers achieve fully satisfactory standards of conduct and performance. 
            (2) Correction of an officer's unsatisfactory performance or negative behavior. 
            (3) Sufficient notice to officers that suspension or discharge will result from gross or continued violation of officer standards of conduct or unsatisfactory job performance. 
            (4) Written documentation of problems and disciplinary warnings given with corrective measures to be taken by the officer.
(c) The Forestburg FFA Chapter generally recognizes four steps or levels of discipline: verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension, and discharge. Disciplinary action may begin at any step or level of severity and does not have to include each level.
(d) The Advisors and Administration must approve any disciplinary action for a gross or severe violation, as well as any suspension or discharge of an officer, prior to any action.
(e) Disciplinary situations involving student officers should be dealt with by progressive discipline, if appropriate, to assure equitable treatment and acceptable conduct.
(f) In applying disciplinary procedures or action, these factors will be considered: the seriousness of the violation or offense, the officer's past record and the circumstances surrounding this particular incident. These factors are listed as a guide only and may vary as appropriate. The policies and procedures for officer discipline will be reviewed and revised as necessary.
(g) Depending upon the facts and circumstances involved in each situation, management may choose to begin disciplinary action at any step. In general, discipline should follow this pattern. 

            (1) VERBAL WARNING - should be used for minor violations. If the situation does not improve within a reasonable time frame set by the Advisors, the verbal warning may be repeated or the next step used. A written record should be kept to document the verbal warning, its content, and time frame for improvement, as well as date of warning. 
            (2) WRITTEN WARNING - should be used for repeated violations or for a more substantial violation. A time frame for improvement should be set by the Advisors with the full knowledge of Forestburg ISD Administration. A copy of the written warning will be kept on file. If the situation does not improve, the Advisor may repeat the step or use the next step. The written warning notice will be discussed with the officer and his/her parents by the Advisors, and the said officer will be asked to sign the notice to acknowledge receipt. 
            (3) SUSPENSION - will be utilized for serious violations when immediate action is required while an investigation is being conducted to determine if the officer should be discharged. The length of the suspension depends upon the time necessary to investigate the violation. Suspension may also be used when the officer fails to respond to previous attempts of discipline. The Administration must approve all suspensions. A written notice of suspension and documenting the reasons for the suspension will be provided to the officer, in person or by telephone with written notice to follow in the mail. Suspended officers may not wear the FFA jacket or represent the FFA as an officer in any manner. 
            (4) DISCHARGE - will be utilized for serious violations, for first offense, with or without the previous use of any of the lesser disciplinary steps. Discharge may also be used for continued failure to respond appropriately to prior disciplinary action and may be deemed appropriate regardless of prior disciplinary actions. The FFA Advisors and Administration must approve all discharges of student officers. If an alleged violation or continued failure to respond to disciplinary action for other violations is reported to or discovered by the Advisors, upon completion of the investigation and adequate due process, the Advisors and Administration may discharge the officer with written documentation to explain the reasons for the discharge. This written notice will become part of the permanent operational record of the Forestburg FFA Chapter. The officer will be notified, in person.

(h) The Forestburg FFA Chapter shall have grounds for suspending or dismissing a student officer who engages in illegal activities at any time.
(i)Student officers who are arrested for any reason must report such arrest promptly by the following business day. The Forestburg FFA Chapter shall have grounds for suspending an officer if arrested for any reason and grounds for discharge if the officer does not report an arrest in a timely manner. Given the nature of the circumstances surrounding an arrest and the alleged offense, the Forestburg FFA Chapter, in its sole discretion, may decide the duration of the suspension as well as impose lesser or greater disciplinary action.
(j)A student officer who is convicted of a crime must report such conviction to the Forestburg FFA Advisors no later than the following business day. The Forestburg FFA shall have grounds for discharging a student officer should he or she be convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or should the officer fail to report the conviction in a timely manner. For purposes herein, a crime involving moral turpitude shall mean anything done knowingly contrary to justice, honesty, principle or good morals, specifically including a minor in possession of a controlled substance including alcohol or operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance. Given the nature of the circumstances surrounding the conviction, the Texas FFA Association may impose lesser disciplinary action.
(k) A student officer who is suspended or discharged may appeal such disciplinary action within ten (10) business days from his or her receipt of notice of such action. Such appeals must be submitted in writing to the Forestburg FFA Advisors and state all grounds the student officer contends should be considered in the review of disciplinary action. Within ten (10) business days of the Forestburg FFA Chapter’s receipt of such appeal, the officer and his or her representative shall be granted a hearing before a committee consisting of Forestburg FFA Advisors and Forestburg ISD Administration. Within three (3) days of the hearing, the committee shall inform the student officer of its final decision. Timelines may be extended by mutual consent. The student officer shall remain suspended pending a final decision.


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