Forestburg FFA
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Help Support Us

If you will mouse over the "Help Support Us" menu heading, fundraising options will appear in the drop down menu.  Choose your selection from there.

There are two major ways people can help support the Forestburg FFA:

1. Become a sponsor

    You can become a sponsor in many ways.  Monetary donations are always accepted, however, a sponsor could be someone who donates an animal project to a member, offers to pay for feed, or donates ag mechanics projects.  If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact the Ag Science Teacher.

2.  Become a volunteer/member of the Friends of Forestburg Agriculture Youth

    If you have time to dedicate to the FFA chapter to help with fundraising activities, working with students on projects, or hauling animals we will need you!  Volunteers who dedicate their time to the agriculture youth are always welcome.  We will have many activities through out the year and help will be needed.  We will be forming this new support group starting in September.  Please contact the Agriculture Science Teacher to get on the volunteer list!


Kristy Tillman, Agriculture Science Teacher
940-964-2323  @ school
940-736-4868  cell


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