Forestburg FFA
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Overnight Trips

The opportunity to participate in the Forestburg FFA is a privilege extended to FISD students. Participation in the Forestburg FFA places a student in a position of recognition and often bestows the position of role model upon the member. Any student who elects to accept the privilege of participating in the Forestburg FFA must recognize that he/she is a representative of the school and district, and will be held to a higher standard of conduct than that applied to the general student body. This applies to school related and non-school related activities. The member is subject to state law, school district policies, school rules and regulations, the Forestburg FFA Constitution and By-laws, and University Interscholastic League (UIL) rules. Forestburg ISD policy governs all trips taken by FFA members. Any student found in violation of these policies will be disciplined accordingly.

· Students will follow directions given by the Advisor, as well as adult chaperones.

· Students will conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times.

· Students will stay with the group at all times.

· Students will not leave the hotel or site of activity for any reason.

· Students will follow all curfew times. Lights out will be at the discretion of the advisor.

· Students must stay in the room assigned to them.

· Female students will not be allowed in rooms of male students. Male students will not be allowed in rooms of female students.

· Students will wear official dress, except when notified by the Advisor. Forestburg ISD dress code is in effect at all times.

Violations to these guidelines will not be tolerated.


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