Forestburg FFA
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The FFA provides many activities throughout the year that require money. The entry fees for contests, community service projects, the food and refreshments at meetings, animal projects assistance, and supplies for the banquet require a large sum of money. You are asked to participate in whatever fundraising activity that we have. The more money that our group makes, the more activities we can provide to you. We are limited to how many fundraisers we may have per school year.

We will be selling nutritional food products. We will be offering Fresh Country’s meat items (bacon, sausage, fajitas, hams and turkeys) and Seitz Fruit (oranges, apples, gift baskets, etc). These products will be delivered in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas orders. These products are also great for selling to large businesses and families for Christmas presents.

Some other fundraising opportunities may include selling poinsettias at Christmas time, Easter lilies in April, as well as other fundraising opportunities that arise throughout the year. Please be willing to help out when and where you can so that we may continue to do fun and exciting activities for everyone!

Per Forestburg Parent and Student Handbook:
Student clubs or classes and/or parent groups may be permitted to conduct fundraising drives for approved school purposes. There is a limit of two major fund-raisers per year per group. Approval from the principal is required a minimum of one week prior to the event.


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